
Clicking on the 'Documents' tab in the header of the resource will take you to a list of the original documents which you can navigate by page or alphabetically. Use the 'Previous'/'Next' buttons to navigate the documents list, or enter a page number and hit GO. 

View document details by clicking the thumbnail or the title. Documents that are full text searchable are indicated by the small page icon. 

Screenshot of Documents page, showing viewing and navigation options.

The documents in China: Trade, Politics and Culture have been carefully indexed using multiple categories. To help you find what you are looking for, refine the document listing by 'Document Type', ‘Region’ or 'Library/Archive’ using the filters on the left-hand side of the list. You can choose as many filter options as you want from each category. When you have selected your category, or multiple categories, click ‘Apply’ to refine your list. Once you have a list of documents you can continue to refine or change your browse criteria. Clear filters in order to return the default alphabetical list. 

The list of original documents can also be sorted by 'Title' and 'Date', or by using the dynamic column on the right to sort by ‘Region’, ‘Document Type’ or ‘Library/Archive’. Sort the order of the column using the arrows next to the column headings. 

You can also do a basic search in the box in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Screenshot of Documents page, showing search and filter options.

When viewing a document, use the controls to zoom, rotate and view full screen. Browse to the next image or select a page from the dropdown list. Tip: use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out and also use your mouse to drag the image around the screen.

Screenshot of document details page, showing viewing options.

Select the thumbnails tab to view the whole document at a glance.

Screenshot of thumbnail view.


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