My Archive
China: Trade, Politics and Culture features ‘My Archive’ and ‘My Lightbox’, where you can save documents and images from multiple search sessions, making your research experience more rewarding.
You will need to register to enjoy the benefits of using 'My Archive'. See the 'My Archive' section, which is always accessible in the top right-hand corner of the header.
Here’s how you can use 'My Archive' to enhance your online research:
Look out for the 'Save search' button on the search results pages. Use this function to save your search results so that you can continue to research between sessions, no matter where you are.
Click on your saved search term to view saved search results. Click on the thumbnail to view the saved documents in My Bookshelf.
In 'My Lightbox', create new scrapbooks to organise your images and view your selection as a slideshow or export as a PDF, using the tick boxes under the images and the Image Options drop down.
Previous: Image Gallery